F***ing brilliant. SO reminiscent of older Newgrounds which makes meee very happy <3
F***ing brilliant. SO reminiscent of older Newgrounds which makes meee very happy <3
thankyou very much :-)
that ending gives me shivers still to this day
I didn't know I wanted this but.... I did. I so did.
So, so great to see Newgrounds sense of humour is still very much alive and kicking.
Thank you so much.
A perfect critique of a game that aspires to have grand depth of plot and character, but is really all about tits and blowing up monsters.
You masterfully took the piss. Thank you.
hahaha thanks man!!
No, no, a lot of you guys below are missing the point! When the protagonist says "we're all just leeches in a jar", he's not making a metaphor, they literally are. But we're humans on planet earth. We get to do whatever we want. The leech in this animation has non-conformist desires that will never be met, we, as humans, are luckier than that.
I find this animation quite uplifting, thank goodness I am not a leech in a jar!
Perfect balance of drawings skill, animation and comedy writing. The two things that really made it special were 1) the PERFECT comedic timing and 2) how Bee-Lor looked. The incredibly camp posture and the kawaii bee on his chest jusxtaposed with the terrifying H.R.Giger-esque body. Perfect. Bee-Lor is my new favourite. Please make more.
Aww this flash was very cute and charming. I don't think that this advice is particularly useful or relatable, but I'm not sure that it was meant to be taken seriously. It seemed to me to be a lot more like a very clever way to get inside your character's head and tell the story from their point of view. A introverted, cynical character who likes to see the world as a survival guide, making notes in his head. Wonderful storytelling.
Thanks, I hope no one took this as advice haha. It's just a story, I suppose people will take different things from this, which I think is awesome! But, I didn't attend for this to be advice. You are right about it being a way for the viewer to get deeper into the character's head.
Thanks for the comment!
I give you 2.5 stars for your polished style and voice acting but I would like to add to coolkrudges point that I found your comments about the "perfect 10 girls" very... disturbing. It seems that you think a woman wearing lingerie is asking for it. And is secretly a hooker. Of course. Ugly women aren't worth your time and beautiful women are all sluts. What a wonderful doiuble standard. You know I'm not quite sure it's the dating site that is the problem.
Ooh I thinkwe need that dubstepremix in the audio portal!
First year student of the University of South Wales' Scriptwriting BA in Cardiff. Alternately miserable and self-destructive or struggling and excitable. Currently working on the storyboarding for an animation project with two friends.
Age 29, Male
St Ivo School
Joined on 9/5/10